[R] Parallel processing question ...
Robinson, David G
drobin at sandia.gov
Wed Feb 9 00:18:57 CET 2011
I am experimenting with parallel processing using foreach and seem to be
missing something fundamental. Cool stuff. I've gone through the list and
seen a couple of closely related issues, but nothing I've tried seems to
I know that the results from foreach are combined, but what if there is more
than one variable within the loop? Below is a snippet (non-functioning) of
code that I hope provides enough insight into what I am trying to do. The
commented out lines are what I would be doing (successfully) if I wasn't
trying to implement the %dopar% . The goal is to do statistics on the
sequence of lambda vectors that were originally accumulated in the matrix
lambdas using cbind.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions,
update_N <- function(sets, indexes, lam) {
n <- length(indexes)-1 # count of events
N <- rep(0, K) # count of failures per node
for (i in 1:n) {
nodes <- as.numeric(sets[indexes[i]:(indexes[i+1]-1)])
node <- resample(nodes, 1, prob=lam[nodes]/sum(lam[nodes]))
N[node] = N[node] + 1
lambdas<- foreach(j=1:(2*burn_in), .combine=cbind) %dopar% {
N <- update_N(min_sets, min_sets_indexes, lambda)
lambda <- rgamma(K, shape=a+N, rate=bT)
if (j%%100==0) { print(j); print(lambda); print(N)}
# if (j > burn_in) {
# lambdas <- cbind(lambdas, lambda)
# }
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