[R] Use glm coefficients for other datasets

Ben Bolker bbolker at gmail.com
Tue Feb 8 22:57:24 CET 2011

maxsilva <mmsilva3 <at> uc.cl> writes:

> Thank you for your answer. But I still have the problem; for example, if i
> have data for 10 months, estimate the parameters of my logit model using 10
> months of data, and then use
> predictions<-predict(model,data=1monthonly,family = binomial(link =
> logit),type="response") 
> I still get the rpedictions vector with as many rows as the 10month dataset
> :(
> What can I do to solve this issue?

  Read the documentation more carefully ... use


instead of


  In fact you should just use


  the 'family' argument is unnecessary (but not actually
causing any harm, other than confusion, I think)

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