[R] problem with parLapply from snow
Uwe Ligges
ligges at statistik.tu-dortmund.de
Sat Feb 5 19:38:39 CET 2011
I just tried with SOCK rather than MPI on my machine and it worked. Just
ask R to
and try again. If you have the same problems, try SOCK rather than MPI.
If MPI is the culprit, please debug your MPI setup.
Uwe Ligges
On 03.02.2011 03:44, Mark.Palmer at csiro.au wrote:
> Hi,
> The following function use to work, but now it doesn't giving the error
> "> CallSnow(, 100)
> Using snow package, asking for 2 nodes
> 2 slaves are spawned successfully. 0 failed.
> Error in checkForRemoteErrors(val) :
> 2 nodes produced errors; first error: no applicable method for 'lapply' applied to an object of class "list"
> ".
> Where this is the problem line of code "yusum<- parLapply(cl, yu, sum)"
> The function is
> CallSnow<- function (Nnodes = 2, Nsamples = Nnodes)
> {
> require(Rmpi)
> require(snow)
> cat("Using snow package, asking for ", Nnodes, "nodes \n")
> cl<- makeCluster(Nnodes, type="MPI")
> on.exit(stopCluster(cl))
> #print(do.call("rbind", clusterCall(cl, function(cl) Sys.info()["nodename"])))
> #
> ## uses RSPRNG if there
> #
> #clusterSetupSPRNG(cl)
> clusterSetupRNGstream(cl, seed = rep(123456, 6))
> yu<- clusterCall(cl, runif, Nsamples)
> yusum<- parLapply(cl, yu, sum)
> print(yusum)
> yn<- clusterCall(cl, rnorm, Nsamples)
> print(yn)
> return()
> }
> This is under R-2.12.1. on a windows Xp machine. This function still runs satisfactorily on a machine running r-2.11.1 under Suse10.3/sles.
> Thanks
> Mark Palmer
> Senior Statistician
> CSIRO Mathematics, Informatics and Statistics
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