[R] Quadratic regression: estimating the maximizing value

gheine at blm.gov gheine at blm.gov
Fri Feb 4 22:33:39 CET 2011

A bioligist colleague sent me the following data.

x     Y
3     1
7     5
14    8
24    0

(Yes, only four data points.)  I don't know much about the
application, but apparently there are good empirical
reasons to use a quadratic model.

The goal is to find the X value which maximizes the
response Y, and to find a confidence interval for this X

Finding the maximizing X value is pretty straightforward:

>Ldat <- data.frame("X"=c(3,7,14,24), "Y"=c(1,5,8,0))
>(LM<-lm(formula = Y ~ X + I(X^2), data = Ldat))
lm(formula = Y ~ X + I(X^2), data = Ldat)

(Intercept)            X       I(X^2)
   -3.86978      1.77762     -0.06729

> DZ<-function(B,C) { (-B)/(2*C) } # Solve  d/dx(A + Bx + Cx^2) = 0
> DZ(LM$coefficients[2],LM$coefficients[3])

To find a confidence interval, I used "confint()".
Default confidence level of 95% was not useful; used 80% instead,
and then computed DZ with the extreme X and I(X^2) coefficients:


                  10 %        90 %
(Intercept) -5.6147948 -2.12476138
X            1.4476460  2.10759306
I(X^2)      -0.0790312 -0.05553898

> DZ(CI80[2,1],CI80[3,1])
[1] 9.1587
> DZ(CI80[2,2],CI80[3,2])
[1] 18.97400

Conclusion: the 80% confidence level for the maximizing X value is
included in the range (9.158, 18.974)


1) Is this the right procedure, or totally off base?

2) The coefficient of the "Intercept" is irrelevant to calculating
the maximizing value of X.  Is there a way to reduce the size of
the confidence interval by doing a computation that leaves out this

3) I believe that confint() indicates the axes of an ellipsoid,
rather than the corners of a box, in parameter space;
so that the above procedure is (slightly) too conservative.

4) Where are the calculations for confint() documented ?

George Heine

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 George Heine, PhD                                                         
 Mathematical Analyst                                                      
 National Operations                                                       
 Bureau of Land Management                                                 
 voice                     (303) 236-0099                                  
 fax                       (303) 236-1974                                  
 cell                      (303) 905-5296                                  

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