[R] rgenoud for multiple chips: does a more recent special version of "snow" exist?

Dimitri Liakhovitski dimitri.liakhovitski at gmail.com
Thu Feb 3 21:57:40 CET 2011

Dear everyone,

I am trying to run rgenoud on several chips simultaneusly. I used the
instructions provided on Jasjeet Sekhon's Homepage

However, I have the newer version of R (R 2.12) installed - for a
64-bit machine. So, when I tried to install the special version of
"snow" from a zip file provided by Jasjeet on his page, R did not
allow me to install it (from a zip file) because it was created before
R 2.10.

Does anyone know if a more updated special version of "snow" exists -
that could be used on R 2.12?
Or maybe there is another way of running rgenoud on several chips

Thanks a lot!

Dimitri Liakhovitski
Ninah Consulting

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