[R] rgl: draw multiple ellipsoids

baptiste auguie baptiste.auguie at googlemail.com
Thu Feb 3 09:50:05 CET 2011


Thank you for the pointer; I'd overlooked that demo which contains an
alternative way of generating ellipsoids. It is slightly annoying that
ellipsoid3d is not defined in the main package but in the demo; I'll
have to duplicate the code. Playing with this idea, I realised the
bottleneck of my approach was the generation of the unit sphere mesh
for each ellipsoid. I only need one, which is then duplicated, scaled,
rotated, translated N times. This version is much faster,

## from rgl demo
ellipsoid3d <- function(rx=1,ry=1,rz=1,n=30,ctr=c(0,0,0),
                        trans = par3d("userMatrix"),...) {
  if (missing(trans) && !rgl.cur()) trans <- diag(4)
  degvec <- seq(0,2*pi,length=n)
  ecoord2 <- function(p) {
    c(rx*cos(p[1])*sin(p[2]),ry*sin(p[1])*sin(p[2]),rz*cos(p[2])) }
  v <- apply(expand.grid(degvec,degvec),1,ecoord2)
  if (qmesh) v <- rbind(v,rep(1,ncol(v))) ## homogeneous
  e <- expand.grid(1:(n-1),1:n)
  i1 <- apply(e,1,function(z)z[1]+n*(z[2]-1))
  i2 <- i1+1
  i3 <- (i1+n-1) %% n^2 + 1
  i4 <- (i2+n-1) %% n^2 + 1
  i <- rbind(i1,i2,i4,i3)
  if (!qmesh)
  else return(rotate3d(qmesh3d(v,i,material=...),matrix=trans))

## the unit sphere
.sphere <- ellipsoid3d(qmesh=TRUE,trans=diag(4))

## apply transformations to the unit sphere
rgl.ellipsoid2 <- function (x=0,y=0,z=0, a = 1,b=1,c=1, phi=0,theta=0,psi=0,
                       subdivide = 3, smooth = TRUE, ...)

    result <- scale3d(.sphere, a,b,c)
    rotM <- euler(phi,theta,psi)
    result <- rotate3d(result,matrix=rotM)
    result <- translate3d(result, x,y,z)

## loop over the specification of a cluster
rgl.ellipsoids2 <- function(positions, sizes, angles,...){

  N <- NROW(positions)
  ll <- lapply(seq(1,N), function(ii)
                         angles[ii,1],angles[ii,2],angles[ii,3], ...))



N <- 100
positions <- matrix(rnorm(3*N), ncol=3)
sizes <- matrix(runif(3*N, 0.01, 0.05), ncol=3)
angles <- matrix(runif(3*N, 0, 2*pi), ncol=3)

system.time(rgl.ellipsoids2(positions, sizes, angles, col= 1:N))

Best regards,


On 1 February 2011 06:16, Ben Bolker <bbolker at gmail.com> wrote:
> baptiste auguie <baptiste.auguie <at> googlemail.com> writes:
>> Dear list,
>> I'm trying to visualise some ellipsoidal shapes in 3D. Their position,
>> axes, and angular orientation can be arbitrary. I saw an ellipse3d
>> function in rgl; however it is heavily oriented towards the
>> statistical concept of ellipse of confidence, whilst I am just
>> concerned with the geometrical object.
>  Don't know if it will be better or not, but try
> library(rgl)
> demo("shapes3d")
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