[R] dotchart {graphics} 2.11.1 vs. 2.12.1

Van Patten, Isaac T ivanpatt at RADFORD.EDU
Tue Feb 1 15:52:02 CET 2011

I have a factor vector of subject races (Asian, Black, Hispanic, White; n=30) that I want to plot with a Cleveland dotplot or dotchart.

I tried the following in R2.12.1 :

> dotchart(table(school$Race))
Error in plot.xy(xy.coords(x, y), type = type, ...) : invalid plot type
Using the same data set in R2.11.1 the operation succeeded (I tried several variations to be sure):

> dotchart(table(school$Race))
> race2<-table(school$Race)
> dotchart(race2)
> dotchart(race2, pch=17,col="red")

Each of these worked in 2.11.1 but not in 2.12.1;  What changed in the {graphics} package to alter this and is there a work-around?

Isaac T. Van Patten, Ph.D.
Professor of Criminal Justice
307 Adams Street, Office 1A
Box 6934, Radford University
Radford, VA 24142
ivanpatt at radford.edu
It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is;
It doesn't matter how smart you are;
If it doesn't agree with the [data], its wrong.
                                            -Richard Feynman

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