[R] Looping over files

Debs Majumdar debs_stata at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 21 02:32:11 CET 2011


 I have a list of files in one of my working directories:









And I am using the *.dose files to convert the data into a text file.

For a singlefile, the following works:
chr17chunk1dose <- databel("chr17.chunk1.dose")

databel2text(databel=chr17chunk1dose, file="chr1_chunk1.dose.txt", NAString="NA", row.names=TRUE, col.names=TRUE, transpose=FALSE)

I am trying to do the conversion inside a loop for all the files at a time but can't figure out how to do it. Any hep is appreciated.

#### I am trying something like this:

flies <- list.files(pattern="dose")    
for(i in files){
    dose <- databel(i)[[1]]
    databel2text <- (databel = dose,  file="chr17_chunk1.dose.txt", NAString="NA", row.names=TRUE, col.names=TRUE, transpose=FALSE)




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