[R] any DCCA function in R?

Javier Murillo Pérez javier.murillo at vi.ieo.es
Tue Dec 20 10:40:51 CET 2011

Dear Gavin,

Thank you very much for your fast answer and your explanations.

Yes, you are right; it is in the Vegan package and I would like to run a DCCA to remove the arch effect that I obtain in a CCA. I am working with samples stations where I have my species identified and environmental variables and the idea is to do an ordination related to the environmental variables to study the assemblages that I have.

I have thought in others methods too, but I am very interesting in the CCA and it is difficult to reduce so much the number of terms, because I only have 6 environmental variables (only 6) and the most important (depth) is the responsible of this arch effect.

I have heard that CANOCO has implemented the DCCA, but as I have began to work with R some months ago and I am trying to run all my analysis with R I was interested in to know if there was any function to do this.

Could be a good idea to post that message on the R-SIG-Ecology list too.

Again thank you very much,


-----Mensaje original-----
De: Juan José Santos Blanco 
Enviado el: martes, 20 de diciembre de 2011 9:32
Para: r-help at r-project.org
CC: Javier Murillo Pérez
Asunto: any DCCA function in R?

Dear members,

I am performing multivariate analysis on marine benthic populations 
using R. At first glance I found ca and VEGANO packages to be the 
suitable for the task, but neither has incorporated Detrended Canonical 
Correspondence Analysis (DCCA), which is just the method I want to apply 
on my data. I've looked for alternative packages containing the method, 
but my suspicion is that there is not DCCA availability for R users. 
Does anyone have better news for me?

Javier Murillo

PHD Candidate

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