[R] shorter way of coding

Mintewab Bezabih Mintewab.Bezabih at economics.gu.se
Mon Dec 12 14:16:46 CET 2011

Dear R users, 

I am using the code below to generate a fitted value of b. I have about 300 different values for for y (y1, y2, ...y300) which means I will have to write the code below 300 times to generate the 300 different fitted values for y. Is there a short way of doing that ?

Many thanks in advance

dat <- read.table("e:/minti's laptop/C/GBG/allround_survey/rainfallGPS.csv", header=T, sep=",") 
b<-gam(y1~s(x1, x2, k=100),data=dat)

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