[R] Error: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?

Bert Gunter gunter.berton at gene.com
Wed Aug 31 17:05:31 CEST 2011

> In R functions are "things" but they are not "strings" and cannot be
> executed by just asserting a character vector element.

... But note that they can be executed by by asserting a list of
functions component (as well as by do.call below)

> x <- c(rnorm, rt, rweibull) ## this is a list of functions
> x[[2]](10,df=5)
 [1] -1.03683857  1.20245119 -2.77762457 -0.02124206 -0.78748356  1.36294023
 [7]  0.50626709 -0.37386404  0.34371389 -1.28934128


 If you want to
> construct a 'call' from a a character, you can bridge that divide with
> do.call:
> ?do.call
> fn <- paste("d", "gamma", sep="")
> do.call(fn, list(1:10, shape=1) )
> [1] 0.36787944117 0.13533528324 0.04978706837 0.01831563889 0.00673794700
>  [6] 0.00247875218 0.00091188197 0.00033546263 0.00012340980 0.00004539993
> --
> David

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