[R] Redirect output of traceback() to a file?

. . xkziloj at gmail.com
Wed Aug 31 15:58:05 CEST 2011

Hi all,

I am getting evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion /
options(expressions=)? in my code.

Trying to investigate it with traceback() returns a very long list,
index go even more then 495, so I can not read everything because it
is not possible to scroll more.

Is it possible to redirect output of traceback to a file? This is the
only solution I can think, is there another?

Any comments are welcome.


func <- Vectorize(function(x, a, sad, trunc=0, ...) {
  result <- function(x) {
    f1 <- function(n) {
      dcom <- paste("d", deparse(substitute(sad)), sep="")
    	dots <- c(as.name("n"), list(...))
			f <- do.call(dcom, dots)
      g <- dpois(x,a*n)
      f * g
    integrate(f1, 0, Inf)$value
  return(result(x) / (1 - result(trunc)))
}, "x")

func(1, 0.1, exp)

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