[R] convert a matrix to binaryMatrix in Recommenderlab

Michael Hahsler mhahsler at lyle.smu.edu
Wed Aug 31 00:54:45 CEST 2011

Hi Jing

recommenderlab is still under heavy development and quite far away from 
version 1.0-0. Here is some code to create a binaryRatingMatrix from a 
0-1 matrix:


## create a 10x10 0-1 matrix
m <- matrix(sample(c(0,1),100, replace=TRUE), nrow=10, ncol=10)

## coerce it into a binaryRatingMatrix
b <- as(m, "binaryRatingMatrix")

## coerce it back to see if it worked
as(b, "matrix")

Hope this helps,

   Dr. Michael Hahsler, Visiting Assistant Professor
   Department of Computer Science and Engineering
   Lyle School of Engineering
   Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas

   (214) 768-8878 * mhahsler at lyle.smu.edu * http://lyle.smu.edu/~mhahsler

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