[R] Extracting values in table

Ramnath sairam.bt at gmail.com
Fri Aug 26 17:52:15 CEST 2011

Hi All,

I am a beginner in programming in r and please do forgive me if my question
seems to be silly and sometimes not understandable. 

1. we have a list of elements in a list say:


2. We have an another list of tables in a list say:

n <- list("M", "N","E","P","Q","M","N","E","Q","N")

tb <- lapply(1:10, function(i)matrix(sample(4), 2, 2,
dimnames=list(n[sample(10,2)], n[sample(2,2)])))

3. we need to extract values from the table in the list where colname is
always "M" , wherein the rowname should be the 1st element in the list ls
for table 1 in the list tb and 2nd element in table 2 and so on...

for ex:  
   M N
N 4 1
P 3 2

In table 1 , we need to extract value 4.

Thanks to all in advance.

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