[R] X11 problem

Rolf Turner rolf.turner at xtra.co.nz
Thu Aug 25 22:39:13 CEST 2011


If you really need to install R from source you probably need to do:

     sudo apt-get update
     sudo apt-get install libx11-dev

before you do your ./configure and make.

If you just want to install the binary, you could try

     sudo apt-get update
     sudo apt-get install r-base r-base-dev

(Well, that seems to work for me!  It's kind of a magic incantation from
my pov; don't really know what I'm doing. :-) )



         Rolf Turner

On 26/08/11 00:34, Kevin E. Thorpe wrote:
> On 08/25/2011 08:27 AM, carol white wrote:
>> Hello,
>> TO update R under Ubuntu on my macchine, I downloaded R-2.13.1. When 
>> running ./configure, I got the following error message:
>> checking for X... no
>> configure: error: --with-x=yes (default) and X11 headers/libs are not 
>> available
>> But I could use X11() function in R-2-10. So where does the problem 
>> come from?
>> Cheers,
>> Carol
> It looks like you're compiling from source and your system does not 
> have the header files required installed.  Did you compile your 
> previous version or use a pre-built (binary) package?  A binary 
> package would not require the headers.
> I don't use Ubuntu, so I don't know what the name of packages you need 
> for the headers.  Typically the packages have the devel versions 
> separate, you you need those.

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