[R] PBSmapping, where is Ireland?!

Rubén Roa rroa at azti.es
Wed Aug 17 10:27:44 CEST 2011

Dear Ewan,

I faced this problem and solved it by contacting the package authors, John Schnute and Rowan Haigh, Rowan.Haigh at dfo-mpo.gc.ca.
Here is a function that solves the problem by displacing the Greenwich meridian to longitude 348 leaving Ireland to the right.
This longitude does not span any land mass within the limits of the map so it does not cause any disappearing land masses.
The function loads the GSHHS data in intermediate resolution, so it takes some time, less than 1 min in my standard laptop, to run.
Change the xlim and ylim values to get different fractions of Europe.
Last time I contacted them (October 2010), package authors were planning to add some comments about this in PBSmapping  user's guide.
So you may find more info by digging into the user's guide, or else, contact Rowan. 



Dr. Ruben H. Roa-Ureta
Senior Researcher, AZTI Tecnalia,
Marine Research Division,
Txatxarramendi Ugartea z/g, 48395, Sukarrieta,
Bizkaia, Spain

Euromap <- function(path="C:/Temp", cutLon=348) 
             fnam <- paste(path,"gshhs_f.b",sep="/");
	           p1 <- importGSHHS(fnam,xlim=c(-20,360),ylim=c(30,80),level=1,n=0,xoff=0);
	           z <- p1$X>cutLon;
	           p1$X[z] <- p1$X[z]-360;
	           NorthSeaHR <- thinPolys(p1, tol=0.1, filter=3)
	           clr <- PBSval$PBSclr;
	           xlim   <- c(-18, 16)
	           ylim   <- c(32, 64)
	           WEurope <- clipPolys(NorthSeaHR, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)
	           plotMap(WEurope, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, col=clr$land, bg=clr$sea, tck=-0.02,mgp=c(2,.75,0), cex=1.2, plt=c(.08,.98,.08,.98))

-----Mensaje original-----
De: r-help-bounces at r-project.org [mailto:r-help-bounces at r-project.org] En nombre de Ewan Minter
Enviado el: martes, 16 de agosto de 2011 14:57
Para: r-help at r-project.org
Asunto: [R] PBSmapping, where is Ireland?!

Hi folks,

I've been using 'PBSmapping' to make a map of Europe with some labels. I've been using the 'worldLL' PolyData, as my computer is too slow to make my own from the GSHHS files.

The only p

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