[R] exponential model with decreasing
Ben Bolker
bbolker at gmail.com
Tue Aug 16 17:57:53 CEST 2011
Komine <momadou <at> yahoo.fr> writes:
> I try to do an exponential model with decreasing. In my data, there is no
> data missing but there negative values. I adapted this following code whose
> the origin code comes from in this forum:
> Regress<-read.table("C:\\Users\\Regression.csv",sep=";",dec=",",header=TRUE)
> Regress
> f <- function(x,a,b) {a * exp(b * x)}
> x<-Regress$EWT
> y<-Regress$MSI7
> plot(y ~ x)
> fm <- nls(y ~ f(x,a,b), data =Regress, start = c(a=1, b=1))
> co <- coef(fm)
> curve(f(x, a=co[1], b=co[2]), add = TRUE)
> But in the line 7, it blocks with the following message:
> #Error in numericDeriv(form[[3L]], names(ind), env) :
> # Missing value or an infinity produced when evaluating the model
> 1: In min (x) found no arguments to min; Inf is returned #it is my
> translation
> 2: In max (x): no arguments to max;-Inf is returned
> - Please where is the problem?
> - What I can do to obtain R^2?
> - The way to verify Homoscedasticity and normality is the same for linear
> model?
Please read the posting guide, and <http://tinyurl.com/3jgynql>
(stackoverflow reproducible example advice).
You may do better by using the starting values from a log-linear
regression (ignoring negative values):
m1 <- lm(log(MSI7)~EWT,data=regress,subset=MSI7>0)
fm <- nls(MSI7 ~ f(EWT,a,b), data=Regress,
For R^2, see e.g.
(I googled "nls R^2" ...)
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