[R] [Solved] Re: lavaan: how to analyse residuals of a latent variable

Hans Ekbrand hans at sociologi.cjb.net
Tue Aug 9 20:22:24 CEST 2011

On Tue, Aug 09, 2011 at 03:30:17PM +0200, yrosseel wrote:
> >Can I include criminality among those and thereby get the common part
> >of criminality and fire.setting "out of the way"?
> No. You already regress fire.setting on criminality since it is an
> indicator in the measurement model of criminality. In other words,
> the 'criminality' part is already regressed out.

So, I get just what I want by simply regressing on fire.setting, that
is awesome!

Maybe this kind of usage of lavaan is not very common, but in order to
help others in my situation, is this documented somewhere? My
understanding of latent variable analysis is indeed limited, but I did
not understand that lavaan worked liked this when I read the

Kind regards,

Hans Ekbrand
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