[R] Question

Martin Morgan mtmorgan at fhcrc.org
Tue Aug 9 02:01:54 CEST 2011

Hi Tyler --

On 08/08/2011 12:54 PM, Tyler Gruhn wrote:
> I just signed up for R Help, so please let me know if I'm doing this
> incorrectly.

Better to provide an informative subject line -- "microarray heatmap 
memory use" ?

> I've been working with R for a couple of weeks, attempting to process
> microarray data.  This means 20,000+ rows of data to work with x 24
> columns.  I am trying to produce heatmaps and found that the best
> computer I have available to me can process the data without any
> clustering (Rowv=NA, Colv=NA), but my supervisor has made it clear that
> I need to have the clusters present.  I have been messing around with
> the memory allocation commands, but I can't seem to get it to process
> even still.  Are there any methods of getting large amounts of data to
> process into heatmaps that I should look into?

The Bioconductor project has many users experienced in analysis of 
microarray data. Have you tried posting your question there?


A common practice is to reduce the number of features (rows) by 
filtering to exclude, e.g., those that are known to be control probes 
and those with low across-sample variability. The genefilter package 
contains functions for this.


It is important to include the output of


in your mailing list posts, so that the R and package versions you're 
using are obvious. It also helps to create a small but realistic example 
that others can execute, e.g. (although not very realistic)

   m <- matrix(rnorm(25 * 20000), ncol=25)


> Thank you very much,
> Tyler
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