[R] Gamma distribution parameter estimation
Rolf Turner
rolf.turner at xtra.co.nz
Mon Aug 8 01:57:37 CEST 2011
Neither Ted Harding's post, nor Prof. Ripley's, really appear to
address the OP's follow-up question which was
*why* did he get the ``weird error'' (non-finite finite difference, NaNs
produced) when he applied fitdistr(),
as he was advised to do by Jorge Ivan Velez. The ``weird error'' did
not occur for Jorge, nor did it occur
for my very good self. This presumably has something to do with
operating system and/or version of R used,
details of which the OP unfortunately did not provide.
The salient issue is that the answers obtained by applying fitdistr()
directly (without re-scaling)
differ substantially from those obtained after rescaling. With only 20
data points, any fit is somewhat
Rolf Turner
On 07/08/11 19:17, Prof Brian Ripley wrote:
> Well, 'Alexander Engelhardt' failed to follow the posting guide, and
> so did not get a reply from some knowledgeable people.
> (1) When using fitdistr you need to roughly scale your data: e.g.
> divide by 1000 here.
> (2) fitdistr does 'go down the maximum likeilhood route' and it does
> find reasonable starting points.
> The mean is *not* the mle for the rate, and Mr Harding's gamma pdf is
> parametrized by 'scale' not 'rate' (see the R help page). Probably
> not its intention, but Harding's posting with its schoolboy errors
> exemplifies the inadvisibility of 'rolling your own'.
> (3) In the same package there is a function gamma.shape to find the
> mle of the shape given the mean. And the package is support for a
> book, and this should be obvious from the book's index.
> (4) A value of 2750 for a shape parameter is totally implausible. Have
> you any idea at all what gamma(shape = 2750) looks like?
> MASS's function gives
> b <- c(2039L, 2088L, 5966L, 2353L, 1966L, 2312L, 3305L, 2013L, 3376L,
> 3363L, 3567L, 4798L, 2032L, 1699L, 3001L, 2329L, 3944L, 2568L ,1699L,
> 4545L)
>> fit <- glm(b ~ 1, family=Gamma()
>> coef(fit)
> (Intercept)
> 0.0003391958
>> gamma.shape(fit)
> Alpha: 7.786827
> SE: 2.411487
> At that point you have mles of 1/mean and shape. The mle of the rate
> is then
>> 0.0003391958*7.786827
> [1] 0.002641259
> It's so much easier to use fitdistr:
>> fitdistr(b/1000, "gamma")
> shape rate
> 7.7871427 2.6413668
> (2.4115976) (0.8449421)
> And as a check of plausibility:
> dx <- seq(0, 6000, len = 100)
> plot(dx, dgamma(dx, shape=7.8, rate=2.6e-3), type = "l")
> rug(b)
> On Sun, 7 Aug 2011, ted.harding at wlandres.net wrote:
>> On 06-Aug-11 19:37:49, Alexander Engelhardt wrote:
>>> On 08/06/2011 09:23 PM, Jorge Ivan Velez wrote:
>>>> Hi Alex,
>>>> Try
>>>>> require(MASS)
>>>> Loading required package: MASS
>>>>> b<- c(2039L, 2088L, 5966L, 2353L, 1966L, 2312L, 3305L, 2013L, 3376L,
>>>> + 3363L, 3567L, 4798L, 2032L, 1699L, 3001L, 2329L, 3944L, 2568L,
>>>> + 1699L, 4545L)
>>>>> fitdistr(b, 'gamma')
>>>> shape rate
>>>> 6.4528939045 0.0021887943
>>>> (0.7722567310) (0.0001854559)
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm getting a weird error here, pasted below. Do you know what
>>> could cause that?
>>> > fitdistr(b,"gamma")
>>> Error in optim(x = c(2039L, 957L, 2088L, 5966L, 2307L, 2044L,
>>> 2353L, 1966L, :
>>> non-finite finite-difference value [2]
>>> In addition: Warning message:
>>> In dgamma(x, shape, scale, log) : NaNs produced
>> I'm surprised no=-one has suggested going straight down the
>> maximum-likelihood route. The solution for the 'rate' parameter
>> is immediate, while the solution for the 'shape' paramater
>> needs the solution of an equation in one variable imvolving
>> the digamma function psi(k).
>> Writing the density of the gamma distribution as
>> (1/G(k))*(x^(k-1))*exp(x/r)/(r^k)
>> where k is the shape parameter and r is the rate, and
>> G(k) denotes the gamma function Gamma(k), we have for
>> the estimates
>> [1] r = mean(x.i)
>> [2] psi(k) = mean(log(x.i))
>> where {x.1,x.2,...,x.n} is the sample, and psi(k) denotes
>> the digamma function (G'(k))/G(k) = (log(G(k))' (the "'"
>> denotes first derivative).
>> So you just need to solve [2] for k.
>> This is well summarised in the Wikipedia article:
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
>> Gamma_distribution#Maximum_likelihood_estimation
>> in the Section "Parameter estimation".
>> Since the digamma function digamma() is in the base package,
>> all you need to do is submit it to a root-finder, here done
>> in the naivest possible way.
>> With your values of
>> x<- c(2039L, 2088L, 5966L, 2353L, 1966L, 2312L, 3305L,
>> 2013L, 3376L, 3363L, 3567L, 4798L, 2032L, 1699L,
>> 3001L, 2329L, 3944L, 2568L, 1699L, 4545L)
>> you get
>> mean(log(x))
>> # [1] 7.92335
>> which is quite a modest number (though in a somewhat tense
>> relationship with the digamma function).
>> A bit of experimentation with plot() will lead you home:
>> t<-(50:200); plot(t,digamma(t))
>> t<-(100:2000); plot(t,digamma(t))
>> t<-20*(100:200); plot(t,digamma(t))
>> from which the root is somewhere near 2750.
>> t<-(2700:2800); plot(t,digamma(t))
>> t<-(2745:2865); plot(t,digamma(t))
>> t<-2755+0.1*(0:100); plot(t,digamma(t))
>> So:
>> mean(log(x)) - digamma(2760)
>> # [1] 0.0005452383
>> mean(log(x)) - digamma(2769)
>> # [1] -0.002710915
>> mean(log(x)) - digamma(2765)
>> # [1] -0.001265045
>> mean(log(x)) - digamma(2763)
>> # [1] -0.0005413247
>> mean(log(x)) - digamma(2762)
>> # [1] -0.0001792682
>> mean(log(x)) - digamma(2761)
>> # [1] 0.0001829194
>> mean(log(x)) - digamma(2761.5)
>> # [1] 1.809230e-06
>> mean(log(x)) - digamma(2761.75)
>> # [1] -8.873357e-05
>> mean(log(x)) - digamma(2761.625)
>> # [1] -4.34632e-05
>> mean(log(x)) - digamma(2761.5625)
>> # [1] -2.082724e-05
>> mean(log(x)) - digamma(2761.53125)
>> # [1] -9.509068e-06
>> mean(log(x)) - digamma(2761.515625)
>> # [1] -3.849935e-06
>> mean(log(x)) - digamma(2761.5078125)
>> # [1] -1.020356e-06
>> mean(log(x)) - digamma(2761.50390625)
>> # [1] 3.944361e-07
>> mean(log(x)) - digamma(2761.505859375)
>> # [1] -3.129603e-07
>> mean(log(x)) - digamma(2761.5048828125)
>> # [1] 4.073787e-08
>> And so it goes ... Anyway, to 7 significant figures,
>> the answer is that k = 2761.505, and that is "by hand"
>> using a simple "interval-halving" procedure.
>> I don't know why fitdistr() threw an error. It may be
>> that the starting-value for the iterations was to far
>> off and threw it into some difficult space. The good
>> starting value above was obtained by a bit of graphical
>> trial and error. Maybe something similar can be emulated
>> in R?
>> Hoping this helps,
>> Ted.
>> PS
>> Oh, and while I'm at it, the estimate of the rate is
>> r = mean(x) = 2948.15
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>> E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <ted.harding at wlandres.net>
>> Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
>> Date: 07-Aug-11 Time: 02:03:29
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