[R] ridge regression - covariance matrices of ridge coefficients

Michael Friendly friendly at yorku.ca
Sat Aug 6 20:12:43 CEST 2011

For an application of ridge regression, I need to get the covariance 
matrices of the estimated regression
coefficients in addition to the coefficients for all values of the ridge 
contstant, lambda.

I've studied the code in MASS:::lm.ridge, but don't see how to do this 
because the code is vectorized using
one svd calculation.  The relevant lines from lm.ridge, using X, Y are:

     Xscale <- drop(rep(1/n, n) %*% X^2)^0.5
     X <- X/rep(Xscale, rep(n, p))
     Xs <- svd(X)
     rhs <- t(Xs$u) %*% Y
     d <- Xs$d
     lscoef <- Xs$v %*% (rhs/d)
     lsfit <- X %*% lscoef
     resid <- Y - lsfit
     k <- length(lambda)
     dx <- length(d)
     div <- d^2 + rep(lambda, rep(dx, k))
     a <- drop(d * rhs)/div
     dim(a) <- c(dx, k)
     coef <- Xs$v %*% a
     dimnames(coef) <- list(names(Xscale), format(lambda))

Below is a naive, iterative function, which seems correct to me (though 
it omits the intercept)
but it does not give the same estimated coefficients
as lm.ridge.  A test case is included at the end.  Can someone help me 
resolve the discrepancy?

ridge <- function(y, X, lambda=0){
     n <- nrow(X)
     p <- ncol(X)
     #center X and y
     Xm <- colMeans(X)
     ym <- mean(y)
     X <- X - rep(Xm, rep(n, p))
     y <- y - ym
     #scale X, as in MASS::lm.ridge
     Xscale <- drop(rep(1/n, n) %*% X^2)^0.5
     X <- as.matrix(X/rep(Xscale, rep(n, p)))

     XPX <- crossprod(X)
     XPy <- crossprod(X,y)
     I <- diag(p)
     lmfit <- lm.fit(X, y)
     MSE <- sum(lmfit$residuals^2) / (n-p)

     # prepare output
         coef <- matrix(0, length(lambda), p)
         cov <- as.list(rep(0, length(lambda)))
         mse <- rep(0, length(lambda))

     # loop over lambdas
     for(i in seq(length(lambda))) {
         lam <- lambda[i]
         XPXr <- XPX + lam * I
         XPXI <- solve(XPXr)
         coef[i,] <- XPXI %*% XPy
         cov[[i]] <- MSE * XPXI %*% XPX %*% XPXI
         res <- y - X %*% coef[i,]
         mse[i] <- sum(res^2) / (n-p)
         dimnames(cov[[i]]) <- list(colnames(X), colnames(X))
     dimnames(coef) <- list(format(lambda), colnames(X))
     result <- list(lambda=lambda, coef=coef, cov=cov, mse=mse, 
     class(result) <- "ridge"

# Test:

 > lambda <- c(0, 0.005, 0.01, 0.02, 0.04, 0.08)
 > lambdaf <- c("", ".005", ".01", ".02", ".04", ".08")
 > lridge <- ridge(longley.y, longley.X, lambda=lambda)
 > lridge$coef
              GNP Unemployed Armed.Forces  Population     Year GNP.deflator
0.000 -3.4471925  -1.827886   -0.6962102 -0.34419721 8.431972   0.15737965
0.005 -1.0424783  -1.491395   -0.6234680 -0.93558040 6.566532  -0.04175039
0.010 -0.1797967  -1.361047   -0.5881396 -1.00316772 5.656287  -0.02612152
0.020  0.4994945  -1.245137   -0.5476331 -0.86755299 4.626116   0.09766305
0.040  0.9059471  -1.155229   -0.5039108 -0.52347060 3.576502   0.32123994
0.080  1.0907048  -1.086421   -0.4582525 -0.08596324 2.641649   0.57025165

 > (lmridge <- lm.ridge(Employed ~ GNP + Unemployed + Armed.Forces + 
Population + Year + GNP.deflator, lambda=lambda, data=longley))
                          GNP  Unemployed Armed.Forces  Population      Year
0.000 -3482.259 -0.035819179 -0.02020230 -0.010332269 -0.05110411 1.8291515
0.005 -2690.238 -0.010832211 -0.01648330 -0.009252720 -0.13890874 1.4244808
0.010 -2307.348 -0.001868237 -0.01504267 -0.008728422 -0.14894365 1.2270208
0.020 -1877.437  0.005190160 -0.01376159 -0.008127275 -0.12880848 1.0035455
0.040 -1442.709  0.009413540 -0.01276791 -0.007478405 -0.07772142 0.7758522
0.080 -1057.555  0.011333324 -0.01200742 -0.006800801 -0.01276325 0.5730541
0.000  0.015061872
0.005 -0.003995682
0.010 -0.002499936
0.020  0.009346751
0.040  0.030743969
0.080  0.054575402

Michael Friendly     Email: friendly AT yorku DOT ca
Professor, Psychology Dept.
York University      Voice: 416 736-5115 x66249 Fax: 416 736-5814
4700 Keele Street    Web:   http://www.datavis.ca
Toronto, ONT  M3J 1P3 CANADA

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