[R] Problems to extract data from anova table

Roberto rmoscetti at unitus.it
Sat Aug 6 12:00:50 CEST 2011

this is my script

> anova <- aov(data ~ Ts*Te*t + Error(R/Ts*Te*t))
> results <-  summary(anova$Within)

this is results

          Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)    
Ts         2 1232.2  616.11  53.606 3.965e-10 ***
Ts:Te      4 4889.5 1222.37 106.356 4.075e-16 ***
Ts:t       4 6472.1 1618.01 140.780 < 2.2e-16 ***
Ts:Te:t    8 4181.0  522.63  45.473 1.088e-13 ***
Residuals 27  310.3   11.49                      
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 

I need to extract "Residuals DF" and "Residuals MeanSq" from results

> str(results)

List of 1
 $ :Classes ‘anova’ and 'data.frame':   5 obs. of  5 variables:
  ..$ Df     : num [1:5] 2 4 4 8 27
  ..$ Sum Sq : num [1:5] 1232 4889 6472 4181 310
  ..$ Mean Sq: num [1:5] 616.1 1222.4 1618 522.6 11.5
  ..$ F value: num [1:5] 53.6 106.4 140.8 45.5 NA
  ..$ Pr(>F) : num [1:5] 3.96e-10 4.07e-16 1.14e-17 1.09e-13 NA
 - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "summary.aov" "listof"

I try to use results$Df or similar, but nothing seem to work

Thanks in advance

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