[R] convert a splus randomforest object to R

Duncan Mackay mackay at northnet.com.au
Wed Aug 3 08:22:20 CEST 2011

Hi Jimmy

Years ago I think that Splus introduced an argument when dumping of 
old.style = T  or something similar to dump it into a form that could 
be read into R.
This may only be for data.frames etc not things like random forest objects



Duncan Mackay
Department of Agronomy and Soil Science
University of New England
Email: home mackay at northnet.com.au

At 10:10 03/08/2011, you wrote:
>I have a randomforest object "cost.rf" that was created in splus 8.0,
>now I need to use this trained RF model in R. So in Splus, I dump the RF
>file as below
>data.dump("cost.rf", file="cost.rf.txt", oldStyle=T)
>then in R, restore the dumped file,
>it works fine and able to restore the "cost.rf" object. But when I try
>to pass a new data through this randomforest object using predict()
>function, it gives me error message.
>in R:
>pred <- predict(cost.rf, InputData[ , ])
>Error in object$forest$cutoff : $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors
>Looks like after restoring the dump file, the object is not compatible
>in R. Have anyone successfully converted a splus randomforest object to
>R? what will be the appropriate method to do this?
>Thanks in advance.
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