[R] lattice wireframe with logarithmically scaled axis?

David Winsemius dwinsemius at comcast.net
Wed Apr 27 16:01:41 CEST 2011

On Apr 27, 2011, at 6:49 AM, Dr. Meesters, Christian wrote:

> Hi,
> I have some questions for the wireframe function of the lattice  
> package. My dataset's "x-data" are sampled logarithmically and as  
> such I would like to have a semilogarithmic 3D plot when plotting a  
> time series. Does anyone know how to change the example in
> http://addictedtor.free.fr/graphiques/sources/source_40.R
> such that x or y would be logarithmically scaled?

The scales information in help(wireframe) refers you to the  
corresponding section of help(xyplot) where an example of changing the  
scales to logarithmic base 2 on the x axis is presented. A  
modification to the arguments in your example restricted to the  
positive-positive quadrant succeeds:

 > require(lattice)
 > x <- seq(0.001, pi, len = 20)
 > y <- seq(0.001, pi, len = 20)
 > g <- expand.grid(x = x, y = y)
 > g$z <- sin(sqrt(g$x^2 + g$y^2))
 > print(wireframe(z ~ x * y, g, drape = TRUE, scales=list(x =  
list(log = 10)),
+                 aspect = c(3,1), colorkey = TRUE))
> Also, I would like to change the color scale such that it does not  
> scale from min to max, but from min to a value below max. Is this  
> possible? How?

> TIA,
> Christian
David Winsemius, MD
West Hartford, CT

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