[R] How to answer the question about transitive correlation?

Mike Marchywka marchywka at hotmail.com
Fri Apr 22 12:24:00 CEST 2011

> Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2011 11:42:59 +0800
> From: mailzhuyao at gmail.com
> To: r-help at r-project.org
> Subject: [R] How to answer the question about transitive correlation?
> Hi, everyone. I know it may be a basic statistical question. But I can't
> find a good answer.
> I have a question raised by one of the reviewers.
> Factor A expression was strongly correlated with B expression (chi-square)
> in this series. Prior reports by the same authors showed that B expression
> strongly correlated with survival (Log-rank). Please provide an explanation
> why then were the results not transitive.

The only explanation that would have any value would require you post the
data and let everyone look at it and any R output would be a benefit too. 
So you compared A and B with one test, 
B vs C with another, cutoff the result at some arbitrary criterion, and
then wonder why some unspeficied test and criterion applied to A vs C
doesn't vote in the majority with the same answer? Changing acceptance levels
or applying a "correction" after careful shoppping can always "fix" that
logical inconsistency LOL. Its not hard to plot 3 normal curves on same graph
and see one example of how their overlaps can relate.

I'm not sure what to think but perhaps you could look at stuff like this,



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