[R] lattice: par.settings: custom axis.line by panel

Benjamin Tyner btyner at gmail.com
Sat Apr 9 03:11:40 CEST 2011

Thanks Deepayan!

I neglected to mention that I would want to retain ticks as well for the 
boxed panel(s), so perhaps something like

xyplot(y ~ x|f,
       data = Data,
       par.settings = list(axis.line=list(col = "transparent")),
       axis = function(side, line.col, ...){
           bool <- panel.number() %in% c(1)
           axis.default(side = side,
                        line.col = if(bool) "black" else "transparent",
           if(side=="bottom" & bool) grid::grid.rect(gp=grid::gpar(lty=1))

However, I noticed that if my panel function is drawing beyond the 
border, that it overlaps with the rectangle drawn by the axis function. 
For example, if I add the panel function:

         panel.polygon(x = c(0.4,0.6,0.6,0.4),
                       y = c(-10,-10,10,10),
                       col = "yellow")

then the bottom border on panel 1 is obscured...any suggestions?

Thanks again,

Deepayan Sarkar wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 8, 2011 at 6:10 AM, Benjamin Tyner <btyner at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> In lattice, is there a way to customize the axis.line by panel? For example,
>> say I have two panels:
>> Data <- data.frame(x=runif(10),
>>                  y=rnorm(10),
>>                  f=gl(2,5)
>>                  )
>> library(lattice)
>> plot <- xyplot(y ~ x|f,
>>              data = Data,
>>              layout=c(2,1),
>>              scales=list(relation="free",alternating=FALSE),
>>              par.settings = list(axis.line=list(lwd=0))
>>              )
>> and desire lwd=0 for one panel and lwd=1 for the other. Can it be done?
> No.
>> If not, can the desired behavior be mimicked by explicit use of (say)
>> grid::grid.rect() within the panel function?
> Yes, but using the axis function would be better as panel function
> clips by default (so technically only half of each line would be
> visible).
> xyplot(y ~ x|f,
>        data = Data,
>        layout=c(2,1),
>        scales=list(relation="free",alternating=FALSE),
>        par.settings = list(axis.line=list(col = "transparent")),
>        axis = function(side, ...) {
>            ## axis is called 4 times per panel; draw box only once
>            if (side == "bottom")
>            {
>                box.lty <-
>                    if (panel.number() %in% c(1)) # add others as needed
>                        0
>                    else
>                        1
>                grid::grid.rect(gp = grid::gpar(lty = box.lty))
>            }
>            axis.default(side = side, ...)
>        })
> -Deepayan

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