[R] plotting wind rose data

Jim Lemon jim at bitwrit.com.au
Thu Sep 30 12:06:25 CEST 2010

On 09/30/2010 04:12 PM, David Potts wrote:
> Hi List,
> I am trying to create a spatial representation of some wind data.
> I have the season, frequency, strength and direction of the wind from 10
> different locations, the coverage of the area that I am interested in is
> not 100% there are small gaps in my coverage due to the location of the
> weather stations.
> I am trying to create a series of wind maps e.g. the Prevailing Winds, the
> maximum seasonal wind, etc.
> Could any body recommend any R-packages that would cover this type
> problem/issue?

Hi David,
While there are several packages that include plotting routines for wind 
roses, it looks to me as though you want to define a small number of 
vectors representing prevailing wind, etc., possible overlaying these on 
a plot. That might be a job for a circular plotting routine (e.g. 
polar.plot) rather than a wind rose.


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