[R] how to seperate " "? or how to do regression on each variable when I have multiple variables?

Soyeon Kim yunni0731 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 20 19:03:17 CEST 2010

Dear All,

I have data which contains 14 variables. And I have to regress one of
variables on each variable (simple 13 linear regressions)

I try to make a loop and store only R-squared

 [1] "CRIM"    "ZN"      "INDUS"   "CHAS"    "NOX"     "RM"      "AGE"
 [8] "DIS"     "RAD"     "TAX"     "PTRATIO" "B"       "LSTAT"   "MEDV"

name <-  colnames(boston)

r <- rep(0, 13)
for(i in 1: 13) {
  r[i] <- summary(lm(MEDV ~ name[i], data = boston))$r.squared

but this doesn't work because name have " " for each variable. How to
remove " " for name of each variable?
Or do you know the way I can do regression MEDV on each variable?

Thank you ahead,

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