[R] Problems creating a Panel

Luis Felipe Parra felipe.parra at quantil.com.co
Thu Sep 16 18:49:19 CEST 2010

Hello, I am trying to create a panel with the attached data frame. using the
following code:

> PanelRio =  DataRiopaila[which(duplicated(DataRiopaila$SEC_STE)==T),]
> PanelRio=plm.data(PanelRio,index=c("SEC_STE","FechaSiembra"))
are NA and have been removed

It tells me it removes couple of series because they are NA, and I don't
understand why because if I do:

> PanelRio =  DataRiopaila[which(duplicated(DataRiopaila$SEC_STE)==T),]
> length(which(is.na(PanelRio[,"Pluv3Meses"])==T))
[1] 474
> nrow(PanelRio)
[1] 4129

which means there are still around 3500 entries which aren't NA. Does
anybody what can be going on?

Thank you

Felipe Parra

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