[R] Sweave and Miktex (Sweave.sty not found)

Duncan Murdoch murdoch.duncan at gmail.com
Tue Sep 14 16:33:26 CEST 2010

  On 14/09/2010 8:56 AM, Katie Surrence wrote:
> Hi all,
> I know from googling that this is a common problem; I've just tried what I
> understand to be the common solutions to know avail -- maybe I'm just
> confused.
>   I installed Miktex 2.8 -- it seems to be working fine.
> I'm using this demo document: http://www.stat.berkeley.edu/~houston/demo.Rnw
> I've copied the Sweave.sty file into at this point multiple places on the
> Miktex path, including folders where I can see that it is looking for, and
> successfully finding, sty files (e.g. Miktex 2.8/tex/latex/base).   I also
> went to the Miktex settings application and clicked Refresh FNDB and Update
> formats.
> Still I get this error when I try to run pdfLaTeX on the demo.tex file:
> !LaTeX Error: File 'Sweave.sty' not found.
> Can anyone help?

You don't mention your R version, but recent ones have the command "Rcmd 
texify" which will call MikTeX correctly.

If you want fancier handling of the Sweave input --> preview workflow, 
take a look at my patchDVI package on R-forge.  It allows "reverse 
search" from the previewer to find the right line in the Sweave input 
file, rather than in the intermediate .tex file.

Duncan Murdoch

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