[R] gee p values

Ben Bolker bbolker at gmail.com
Fri Sep 10 21:48:50 CEST 2010

John Sorkin <jsorkin <at> grecc.umaryland.edu> writes:

> Peng,
> If the answer were as simple as you suggest, I would expect that gee would
automatically produce the p
> values. Since gee does not produce the values, I fear that the computation may
be more complex, or perhaps
> computing p values from gee may be controversial. Do you know which, if either
of my speculations is true?
> Thank you,
> John

  May be worth following up on r-sig-mixed-models .  My guess would be
that if you're willing to treat your data set as 'large' (e.g. your
guess is that the 'residual degrees of freedom', whatever that may
mean, are > 40 ), then you could go ahead and use the naive translation
from Z-score to p-value; otherwise it probably devolves to the
usual 'effective residual degrees of freedom for complex multilevel/
smoothing models' can of worms.

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