[R] tail.matrix returns matrix, while tail.mts return vector

mat matthieu.stigler at gmail.com
Sat Sep 4 15:15:11 CEST 2010


I have a few problems with tail/head when applied to multiple time 
series. I'm not sure as whether I did not understand the function or 
whether it correspond to an unexpected behavior.

When head(a,n) is applied on data.frame or matrix, it returns a 
data-frame or matrix with first n obs of *each* variable. When applied 
to a mts object, it returns first n obs of *first* variable only,  not 
of all... The same for tail(). See:

###mts object
#is equivalent to:

I guess it comes from absence of a head method for mts. Does it seem 
reasonable to have also a head.mts or did I misunderstand something?


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