[R] "pairs" with same xlim and ylim scale
Dejian Zhao
dejian.zhao at gmail.com
Sat Sep 4 04:58:33 CEST 2010
Well done! I was totally misled and trapped by the error message.
Acturally the absence of "1.00" in the upper panel is an implicit
indication that error occurred there.
On 2010-9-3 13:02, Shi, Tao wrote:
> Hi Dejian,
> Thanks for the reply!
> I finally found the problem. It is actually in the "panel.cor" function.
> Adding "..." in the function and "text" call fixed everything.
> Best,
> ...Tao
> ----- Original Message ----
>> From: Dejian Zhao<dejian.zhao at gmail.com>
>> To: r-help at r-project.org
>> Sent: Thu, September 2, 2010 7:57:55 PM
>> Subject: Re: [R] "pairs" with same xlim and ylim scale
>> When "pairs" draws plots, "lower.panel" invokes "f.xy". Maybe there is
>> something in "f.xy" incompatible with "pairs". You can read the code of
>> "pairs" to see what happens.
>> "pairs" has two methods, as you can see in the help message (?pairs).
>> According to your code, pairs is supposed to invoke "Default S3 method".
>> > methods(pairs)
>> [1] pairs.default pairs.formula*
>> Non-visible functions are asterisked
>> Therefore, you should check the code of the function "pairs.default" to
>> see how error occurs. Just type "pairs.default" at the R command prompt
>> and enter, you can get the source code of "pairs.default".
>> On 2010-9-2 15:15, Shi, Tao wrote:
>>> Hi Dejian,
>>> You're right on this! Do you know how to pass those two argument into
>>> lower.panel? Thanks!
>>> ...Tao
>>> ________________________________
>>> From: Dejian Zhao<zhaodj at ioz.ac.cn>
>>> To:r-help at r-project.org
>>> Sent: Tue, August 31, 2010 6:10:16 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [R] "pairs" with same xlim and ylim scale
>>> I think you have successfully passed the "xlim" and "ylim" into the
>>> function pairs1. Compare the two graphs produced by the codes you
>>> provided, you can find the xlim and ylim in the second graph have been
>>> reset to the assigned value. It seems that the program halted in
>>> producing the second plot after adding xlim and ylim. According to the
>>> error message, the two added parameters were not used in lower.panel, or
>>> the customized function f.xy.
>>> On 2010-9-1 2:26, Shi, Tao wrote:
>>>> Hi list,
>>>> I have a function which basically is a wrapper of pairs with some useful
>> panel
>>>> functions. However, I'm having trouble to pass the "xlim" and "ylim" into
>> the
>>>> function so the x and y axes are in the same scale and 45 degree lines are
>>>> exactly diagonal. I've looked at some old posts, they didn't help much.
>> I
>>> [[elided Yahoo spam]]
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> ...Tao
>>>> pairs1<- function(x, ...) {
>>>> f.xy<- function(x, y, ...) {
>>>> points(x, y, ...)
>>>> abline(0, 1, col = 2)
>>>> }
>>>> panel.cor<- function(x, y, digits=2, prefix="", cex.cor) {
>>>> usr<- par("usr"); on.exit(par(usr))
>>>> par(usr = c(0, 1, 0, 1))
>>>> r<- abs(cor(x, y, method="p", use="pairwise.complete.obs"))
>>>> txt<- format(c(r, 0.123456789), digits=digits)[1]
>>>> txt<- paste(prefix, txt, sep="")
>>>> if(missing(cex.cor)) cex<- 0.8/strwidth(txt)
>>>> text(0.5, 0.5, txt, cex = cex * r)
>>>> }
>>>> panel.hist<- function(x, ...) {
>>>> usr<- par("usr"); on.exit(par(usr))
>>>> par(usr = c(usr[1:2], 0, 1.5) )
>>>> h<- hist(x, plot = FALSE)
>>>> breaks<- h$breaks; nB<- length(breaks)
>>>> y<- h$counts; y<- y/max(y)
>>>> rect(breaks[-nB], 0, breaks[-1], y, col="cyan", ...)
>>>> }
>>>> pairs(x, lower.panel=f.xy, upper.panel=panel.cor,
>> diag.panel=panel.hist,
>>>> ...)
>>>> }
>>>>> x<- rnorm(100, sd=0.2)
>>>>> x<- cbind(x=x-0.1, y=x+0.1)
>>>>> pairs1(x)
>>>>> pairs1(x, xlim=c(-1,1), ylim=c(-1,1))
>>>> Error in lower.panel(...) :
>>>> unused argument(s) (xlim = c(-1, 1), ylim = c(-1, 1))
>>>> [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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