[R] change the type of lines and colours in interaction.plot

David Winsemius dwinsemius at comcast.net
Fri Sep 3 14:59:41 CEST 2010

On Sep 3, 2010, at 7:02 AM, Lathouri, Maria wrote:

> Dear all,
> I want to plot 8 chemical variables in the same plot. I have used  
> the interaction.plot command:
>> interaction.plot(speclong$Date,speclong$time2,speclong 
>> $outcome,xaxt="n",type="l",pch=20,xlab="", log="y",  
>> ylab="Concentration (ug/L)",trace.label="",col=rainbow(8))
> However, what it gives me is dotted lines and the colours are very  
> fade. I was wondering if I can change the lines to be solid and as  
> well to specify for each line the colour that I want.

Since you provided no workable example, I am just using the second  
example in the help page to illustrate specifying col, lwd, and lty:

 > with(ToothGrowth,interaction.plot(dose, supp, len, fixed=TRUE, col  
= c("red","blue"), lty=1, leg.bty = "o"))

 > with(ToothGrowth,interaction.plot(dose, supp, len, fixed=TRUE, col  
= c("red","blue"), lty=1,lwd=3, leg.bty = "o") )

It appears that lwd is not passed on to the legend call.

You should carefully review the help page for further information and  



David Winsemius, MD
West Hartford, CT

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