[R] Plot help

Jim Lemon jim at bitwrit.com.au
Thu Oct 21 10:40:45 CEST 2010

On 10/20/2010 08:34 PM, Peter Francis wrote:
> Dear List,
> I am relatively new to R and am trying to create more attractive plots than excel can manage!
> I have looked through the various programmes ggplot, lattice, hmisc etc but my case seems to be not metnioned, maybe it is but i have not noticed - if this is the case i apologise.
> *****************************************************************************************************************
> #I have a series of simulated values, which are means
> sim<- c(0.0012,0.0009,2,2,9,12,0.0009,2,19,1,1,0.0013,1,0.0009,0.0009,1,26,3,1,2,1,0.0009,1,0.2323,4,2,0.0009,0.0009,0.0009,52,49,1,3,7)
> #and actual values
> actual<- c(0,0,2,0,13,20,0,3,38,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,27,2,0,0,1,0,1,0,4,2,0,0,0,54,21,0,4,11)
> #The "X" axes is family, ranging from 1-35, where the "Y" axes is sim and actual values.
> #What i want to do is plot the simulated values with the 95% CI values, and then plot the actual values and see if they fall in the CI'S which they do. The idea is that there is no significant difference between the actual values and the simulated values.
Your problem is that they don't.

> #I  thave Ci for sim and this is where the trouble begins!
> simCI<- c(0.000908781,0.001248025,0.000928731,0.000885441,0.002384808,0.002700088,0.005377963,0.006202863,0.000918969,0.002566072,0.007687229,0.001593536,0.001578519,0.001299327,0.00217493,0.000908781,0.00090428,0.001550469,0.008840134,0.003300862,0.001546501,0.002775418,0.0014778,0.00090428,0.001546201,0.000898151,0.003446757,0.002854941,0.000863444,0.000918969,0.000924599,0.011732253,0.011488353,0.001788464)
> # i then put this in a dataframe
> simvsact<- data.frame(sim = sim, actual = actual, simCI.lower = sim - simCI, simCI.upper = sim + simCI, fam = factor(paste('Family', 1:34, sep = '')))
Hi Peter,
As the other Jim mentioned, the CIs for sim are very small and as far as 
I can see, the actual values are far outside the CIs, apart from some of 
the "essentially zero" values. Try this and you may see what I mean:

  main="sim vs actual",xlab="Family",type="b")
# if I try to plot a confidence band,
# it is so narrow it doesn't appear


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