[R] question about masking

Paul paul at paulhurley.co.uk
Wed Oct 20 22:54:14 CEST 2010

On 20/10/10 20:31, Yunting Sun wrote:
> Hello,
> I encounter the problem that one library I use masks the function gam in
> another library I use so that the gam in the other library can't function
> correctly.   Is it possible to damask?   I detach one of the library but the
> masking problem is still there.
Yuo should be able to specify which 'gam' function you want using a 
double colon;

library(foo) #contains the function 'gam' I want
library(bar) #also contains a function 'gam' I don't want

gam(...) #gives gam from bar library
foo::gam(...) #gives gam from foo as desired.



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