[R] StrSplit

Santosh Srinivas santosh.srinivas at gmail.com
Sat Oct 9 18:18:18 CEST 2010

Newbie question ... 

I am looking something equivalent to read.delim but  which accepts a text line as parameter instead of a file input.

Below is my problem, I'm unable to get the exact output which is a simple data frame of the data where the delimiter exists ... coming quite close though

I have a data frame with 10 lines called MF_Data
> MF_Data [1:10]
 [1] "Scheme Code;Scheme Name;Net Asset Value;Repurchase Price;Sale Price;Date"                                        
 [2] ""                                                                                                                
 [3] "Open Ended Schemes ( Liquid )"                                                                                   
 [4] ""                                                                                                                
 [5] ""                                                                                                                
 [6] "AIG Global Investment Group Mutual Fund"                                                                         
 [7] "106506;AIG India Liquid Fund-Institutional Plan-Daily Dividend Option;1001.0000;1001.0000;1001.0000;02-Oct-2010" 
 [8] "106511;AIG India Liquid Fund-Institutional Plan-Growth Option;1210.4612;1210.4612;1210.4612;02-Oct-2010"         
 [9] "106507;AIG India Liquid Fund-Institutional Plan-Weekly Dividend Option;1001.8765;1001.8765;1001.8765;02-Oct-2010"
[10] "106503;AIG India Liquid Fund-Retail Plan-DailyDividend Option;1001.0000;1001.0000;1001.0000;02-Oct-2010"         

Now for the lines below .. they are delimted by ; ... I am using 

 tempTxt <- MF_Data[7]
 MF_Data_F <-	unlist(strsplit(tempTxt,";", fixed = TRUE))
 tempTxt <- MF_Data[8]
 MF_Data_F1 <-	unlist(strsplit(tempTxt,";", fixed = TRUE))
 MF_Data_F <- rbind(MF_Data_F,MF_Data_F1)
But MF_Data_F is not a simple 2X6 data frame which is what I want

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