[R] Deleting observations - can't see the data after that

Schwab,Wilhelm K bschwab at anest.ufl.edu
Thu Oct 7 23:30:15 CEST 2010

Hello all,

I am loading a data frame, fitting a model, getting diagnostic plots and they are flagging a couple of observations as problematic.  Fair enough, and I want re-fit without them.

After I delete an offending row (identified by one of the diagnostic plots), something like

    data = data[-3,];

then R will no longer print the contents of the data frame; it tells me it is a data frame with specific (correct) number of rows and columns, but won't show me what remains in the frame like it does before the deletion.  Is there a way to get around that, either using a different deletion technique or another function?  print(data) and show(data) are not helping.

Ultimately,  I am trying to go through a couple of iterations of find pathologic points, delete and re-fit.  In this case I could guess at what is wrong and probably be correct, but I want to follow the clues as a learning exercise.  Once that is complete, I plan to plot everything with the deleted points emphasized.


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