[R] Change font type for rows on Heatmap

David Winsemius dwinsemius at comcast.net
Wed Oct 6 12:46:20 CEST 2010

On Oct 6, 2010, at 5:04 AM, Ben Huas Thong wrote:

> Hi,
> I would like to change the font type (to courier) of my rows labels  
> when I plot a heatmap with R.
> I have used cexRow=0.7 to modify the size but didn't find anything  
> regarding font type.
> heatmap(as.matrix(cebpa50), margins=c(5,10) , Colv=NA ,  
> scale="column", col=col4,  cexRow=0.7)

Looking at the help page for heatmap it seems highly probable that it  
is a base graphics function since it uses layout, so ...

?par  #  very often the answer to plotting questions and is linked  
from the help page for heatmap, further evidence of my supposition.

The specific choices you need to make from there (with arguments font  
and family) are going to be determined by the specifics of the  
(unstated) device you are using.



David Winsemius, MD
West Hartford, CT

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