[R] saving multiple panes to PNG

Charles Evans cevans at chyden.net
Tue Nov 30 16:22:52 CET 2010

Thank you everyone who contacted me so quickly!

I am posting the solution here, so that it is in the archive:

 > plot(x.irf , plot.type="multiple" , names="p.ret")
 > plot(x.irf , plot.type="multiple" , names="n.ret")

The returns() function in is the timeSeries package.  However, one can  
replace the "na.omit(returns(x[,2]))" bits below with any two vectors  
of data.


On 30 Nov 2010, at 9:22 AM, Charles Evans wrote:

> After searching multiple combinations of keywords over the past two  
> days and downloading n R graphics tutorials, I have not been able to  
> find anything online or in my R books about how to save multiple  
> plot panes to PNG.
> Specifically, I am using the irf() function in the vars package to  
> generate plots of Impulse Response Functions:
> > x.data <- cbind(na.omit(returns(p[,2])),na.omit(returns(n[,2])))
> > colnames(x.data) <- c("p.ret","n.ret")
> > x.jo <- ca.jo(x.data,type="trace",ecdet="none",spec="transitory")
> > x.var <- vec2var(x.jo)
> > x.irf <- irf(x.var,n.ahead=30)
> > plot(x.irf)
> This results in a plot containing a pair of IRF graphs in Quartz and  
> the following message in the Console:
> "Hit <Return> to see next plot:"
> When one hits <Return>, the next pair of IRF graphs appears in Quartz.
> When I try to save the plots to PNG
> > png(...)
> > plot(...)
> > dev.off()
> I am able to save only one of the plots.  How does one tell plot()  
> to plot first one of the panes and then the second?
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Yours,
> Charles Evans

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