[R] Calling substitute(expr, list(a=1)) when expr <- expression(a+b+c)

Gabor Grothendieck ggrothendieck at gmail.com
Fri Nov 26 14:39:01 CET 2010

On Fri, Nov 26, 2010 at 8:31 AM, Søren Højsgaard
<Soren.Hojsgaard at agrsci.dk> wrote:
> # The result I am after is the result after a substitution in an expression, such as
> substitute(expression(a+b+c), list(a=1))
> expression(1 + b + c)
>  # However, the way I want to do it is for a an expression "stored as a variable" as
> (expr <- expression(a+b+c))
> expression(a + b + c)
>  # a) The following does not work
> (expr2 <- substitute(expr, list(a=1)))
> expr
>  # b) - whereas this does work:
> ans <- eval(substitute(substitute(qqq, list(a=1)), list(qqq=expr[[1]])))
> as.expression(ans)
> expression(1 + b + c)
>  # I have - at least - two problems:
> # I am not sure I understand 1) why a) does not work and 2) why b) does work.
> # Can anyone point me in the right direction?

It does not evaluate its argument so if expr is the first argument
about the only thing you can substitute is expr itself:

> substitute(expr, list(expr = 3))
[1] 3

Try this:

> expr <- expression(a+b+c)
> do.call("substitute", list(expr, list(a=1)))
expression(a + b + c)

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