[R] Export lmList

David Winsemius dwinsemius at comcast.net
Thu Nov 11 15:58:40 CET 2010

On Nov 11, 2010, at 6:04 AM, Rosario Garcia Gil wrote:

> Hello
> I am trying to export and lmList by write.table(x, "x.csv") and it  
> complains.
> I have tried to convert the lmList into data.frame but also complains.
> Any suggestion?

The most important suggestion would to provide context. Why are you  
doing this?

The output of lmList, a list of fits, (assuming this to be from  
lme4 ... and the lack of specification would generate another  
suggestion) is not in a form suitable for coercion to a dataframe and  
write.table only works on objects that are coercible to a dataframe.  
If you are hoping to save an object that can be restored then the save/ 
load combination is the route to success.


David Winsemius, MD
West Hartford, CT

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