[R] running admb from R using system()

Benedikt Gehr benedikt.gehr at ieu.uzh.ch
Mon May 31 10:31:10 CEST 2010


I'm trying to run an admb model from R by using the system () command. 
The admb model runs fine when running it from the admb command line or 
when using emacs. However when I try it with system() then R crashes 
every time.
And I tried using the R command line and RGui and in both it crashes. I 
also tried it from different computers.

What I do is I first set the directory where I keep the admb template 
file with the corresponding admb data file and then invoke the system 
command either step by step or directly. I can build the model but when 
executing the model.exe file R crashes.

setting the working directory
setwd("Documents and Settings\\Beni User\\Desktop\\Transfer\\Model 
Fournier\\admb models\\simulated data\\stochastic\\pooled age classes")

building the model -> this works fine
system('makeadm stocpool')

running the model -> makes R crash
or directly lie this:
setwd("Documents and Settings\\Beni User\\Desktop\\Transfer\\Model 
Fournier\\admb models\\simulated data\\stochastic\\pooled age classes")
system("./stocpool") -> makes R crash right away

Does anyone know why this happens and how I can make this work?

Thanks a lot for the help!!



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