[R] error in sammon (duplicates in configuration)

Preeti Iyer iyer at bit.uni-bonn.de
Fri May 28 14:37:14 CEST 2010

Dear members of R-mailing list,

I am using Sammon's Non-Linear Mapping in R as implemented in MASS 
package. I have two distance matrices (attached with the mail).

For the first (/5HT_MACCS_dist.dat/) /sammon()/ works fine but for the 
second (/5HT_TGT_dist.dat/), I get an error message "configuration has 
duplicates". I checked both the matrices for duplicate values using/ 
cmdscale()/ as the initial configuration is generated using this. Both 
matrices generate duplicate coordinates! I have no idea where the 
problem lies. However, /isoMDS()/ works well with both.

My reasoning has hit a wall!! Please help!!


Preeti Iyer

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