[R] avoiding reinstall already installed *package*

Peter Ehlers ehlers at ucalgary.ca
Tue May 18 18:42:40 CEST 2010

On 2010-05-18 10:05, (Ted Harding) wrote:
> On 18-May-10 15:49:37, Martin Maechler wrote:
>> { I've modified the subject; I can't stand it hitting square into
>>    my face ... }
>>>>>>> "mr" == milton ruser<milton.ruser at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>      on Tue, 18 May 2010 12:36:23 -0300 writes:
>>      mr>  Dear R-experts,
>>      mr>  I am installing new libraries using
>>      mr>  install.packages("ggplot2",dependencies=T).
>>      mr>  But I perceive that many dependencies are already installed.
>>      mr>  As I am using a low-band internet, how can avoid reinstall
>>      mr>  installed libraries?
>> There's no problem with installed libraries, as ...
>> they DO NOT EXIST.
>> These are *PACKAGES* !
>> Why do you think are you talking about the function
>>   install.packages()  ????
>>           ^^^^^^^^
> Ah, Martin! I know that "package" is the official terminology,
> but R itself tempts the naive user into deviating from the
> True Path. Indeed, I had my fingers burned by this myself,
> a long time ago (I'm still licking them ... ).
> One might ask: "Why do you think we use the function library()?"
> when loading add-on packages into R. Indeed, the very directory
> tree of R itself stores packages under /usr/lib/R/library.
> So, once in a while, someone gets it wrong, and has to find it
> out the hard way!

Well, I don't know if I've ever disagreed with Ted before,
but here I would (somewhat) disagree. It seems a bit odd that
nobody confuses 'book' with 'library', yet the package/library
problem is persistent. It may have something to do with the
use of 'library' in other computer languages.

Anyway, not long ago there was a suggestion (Rolf Turner's?)
to rename the library() function to something like use(),
but, as I recall, a number of nontrivial objections were

Of course R stores packages in libraries. That's were books
*should* reside. And it's a good idea to have Martin remind
us now and again that books themselves are not libraries.

But I must confess that I'm no longer much bothered by the
misuse. If it ever leads someone astray in their code, then,
well, they have only themselves to blame.

Peter Ehlers

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