[R] memisc output to latex

michele michele.donato at wayne.edu
Sat May 8 20:10:25 CEST 2010

I am trying to output a table in a Latex format with write.mtable.
This is my code:

h.summary <- mtable("linear" = hlm, "quadratic" = hqd,
summary.stats=c("R-squared","adj. R-squared", "p"))
h.summary <- relabel(h.summary, "J" = "J", "I(J^2)" = "J^2")
write.mtable(h.summary, forLatex=TRUE, file="hsummary.tex")

The result is a nice text table of this format

                 linear   quadratic
(Intercept)      0.095***  0.061***
                (0.001)   (0.001) 
J          1.185***  2.319***
                (0.009)   (0.014) 
J^2                 -1.392***
R-squared         0.768     0.899 
adj. R-squared    0.768     0.898 
p                 0.000     0.000 

but no latex output whatsoever.
Where am I wrong?

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