[R] closest match in R to c-like struct?
(Ted Harding)
Ted.Harding at manchester.ac.uk
Sat May 1 22:19:02 CEST 2010
See below.
On 01-May-10 19:14:08, steven mosher wrote:
> maybe I can illustrate the problem by showing how a c programmer
> might think about the problem and the kinds of mistakes 'we' (I)
> make when trying to do this in R
> cstruct<-function(int, bool){
> +
> + myint<- int*2;
> +
> + mybool<-!bool;
> + myvec<-rep(mybool,10)
> + mymat<-matrix(myint*10,nrow=3,ncol=3)
> + myframe<-data.frame(rep(myint,5),rep(bool,5))
> + returnlist<-list(myint,mybool,myvec,mymat,myframe)
> + return(returnlist)
> +
> +
> +
> + }
># so I have a function that returns a list of hetergenous variables.
># an int, a bool, a vector of bools, a matrix of ints, a dataframe of
># ints and bools
>> test<-cstruct(3,T)
>> test
> [[1]]
> [1] 6
> [[2]]
> [1] FALSE
> [[3]]
> [[4]]
> [,1] [,2] [,3]
> [1,] 60 60 60
> [2,] 60 60 60
> [3,] 60 60 60
> [[5]]
> rep.myint..5. rep.bool..5.
> 1 6 TRUE
> 2 6 TRUE
> 3 6 TRUE
> 4 6 TRUE
> 5 6 TRUE
># Now I want to access the first element of my list which is an
># "an int"
># first mistake I always make is I just revert to thinking in the
># 'dot' structure of a c struct.
>> test.myint
> Error: object 'test.myint' not found
># Then I think its stored like a var in a dataframe, accessed by
># the $
>> test$myint
># then I try to access the first element of the list
>> test[1]
> [[1]]
> [1] 6
># That works.. but the [[1]] confuses me when I eval test[1] I want 6
># back
># again thinking in C.
># so I try the third element
>> test[3]
> [[1]]
># ok I get my vect of bools back. Now I want the first element
># of that thing
># well test[3] is that thing.. and I want element 1 of test[3]
>> test[3][1]
> [[1]]
>#hmm thats not what I expect. I wanted F back.
># frustrated I try this which i know is wrong
>> test[3,1]
> Error in test[3, 1] : incorrect number of dimensions
># crap.. maybe the $ is supposed to be used
>> test$V3
># arrg.. how about 'dot"
>> test.myvec
> Error: object 'test.myvec' not found
> Anyways, That's the kind of frustration. I have a list, third element
> is a matrix how do I referernce the 2 row 2 colum of the matrix in my
> list.. for example.
> and so forth..
When you constructed your return-list, you simply entered the list
components using the R-names of the objects, as used in the code:
To use the "$" extractor, you need to give them "external" names,
so you could modify the above to:
Then, after
you can access test$Myint, test$mybool, etc.; and, in particular,
test$Mymat will be the matrix mymat you put in there, so you
can extract elements of this using
for the element in row 2, column 2, and so on. Without making
the return-list a named list, its components have no names,
so then test$mymat (as you did) will not work because there
is no component with name "mymat" (there is no component with
any name). The name "mymat" was used by R to identify the
object whose contents were to be placed in the list; that
internal object-name does not get placed in the list.
Note: In my modification above I used "Myint=myint" etc. instead
of "myint=myint" to highlight the distinction between the
component-name and the object-name. But you can just as well
use exactly the same name for component-name as for object-name:
R will recognise them as distinct and do the right thing.
So you could just as well do:
and then, after
You can also use positional references if the list components have
no names. Since your "mymat" is in position 4,
would return the whole matrix. Then
would return the element in row 2, column 2.
As a standard example, try for instance
X <- 0.1*((-10):10)
Y <- 0.5*X + 0.2*rnorm(length(X))
LM <- lm(Y ~ X)
# Call:
# lm(formula = Y ~ X)
# Residuals:
# Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
# -0.373283 -0.083458 0.009206 0.139763 0.278242
# Coefficients:
# Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
# (Intercept) -0.06018 0.04448 -1.353 0.192
# X 0.46270 0.07345 6.299 4.78e-06 ***
# ---
# Signif. codes: 0 ?***? 0.001 ?**? 0.01 ?*? 0.05 ?.? 0.1 ? ? 1
# Residual standard error: 0.2038 on 19 degrees of freedom
# Multiple R-squared: 0.6762, Adjusted R-squared: 0.6592
# F-statistic: 39.68 on 1 and 19 DF, p-value: 4.784e-06
Suppose you just wanted the Estimates and P-values. Then
# Estimate Pr(>|t|)
# (Intercept) -0.06018002 1.919241e-01
# X 0.46269824 4.783990e-06
The component $coef of summary(LM) is a matrix, so the above
extracts its first and fourth columns.
Alternatively, similarly to the positional extraction shown
for your "test" list:
# Std. Error Pr(>|t|)
# (Intercept) 0.04447759 1.919241e-01
# X 0.07345233 4.783990e-06
Since LM is of class lm ("linear model"), summary(LM) sees this and
calls the method summary.lm; this returns a list, and to find out
what's in it have a look at
under "Value:"
"The function 'summary.lm' computes and returns a list of summary
statistics of the fitted linear model given in ?object?, using the
components (list elements) '"call"' and '"terms"' from its
argument, plus
coefficients: a p x 4 matrix with columns for the estimated
coefficient, its standard error, t-statistic and corresponding
(two-sided) p-value. Aliased coefficients are omitted.
And so on. ("coefficients" is, by implication from '?summary.lm',
in position 4 in the list -- just like your "mymat", as it happens!)
> On Sat, May 1, 2010 at 10:56 AM, Ted Harding
> <Ted.Harding at manchester.ac.uk>wrote:
>> On 01-May-10 16:58:49, Giovanni Azua wrote:
>> >
>> > On May 1, 2010, at 6:48 PM, steven mosher wrote:
>> >> I was talking with another guy on the list about this very topic.
>> >>
>> >> A simple example would help.
>> >>
>> >> first a sample C struct, and then how one would do the equivalent
>> >> in
>> >> R.
>> >>
>> >> In the end i suppose one want to do a an 'array' of these structs,
>> >> or
>> >> list
>> >> of the structs.
>> >
>> > Or like in my use-case ... I needed a c-like struct to define the
>> > type
>> > for aggregating the data to return from a function.
>> >
>> > Best regards,
>> > Giovanni
>> Assuming that I understand what you want, this is straightforward
>> and can be found throughout the many functions available in R.
>> The general form is:
>> myfunction <- function(...){
>> <code to compute objects A1, A2, ... , An>
>> list(valA1=A1, valA2=A2, ... , valAn=An)
>> }
>> and then a call like
>> myresults <- myfunction(...)
>> will create a list "myresults" with compnents "valA1", ... ,"valAn"
>> which you can access as desired on the lines of
>> myresults$valA5
>> As a simple example, the following is a function which explores
>> by simulation the power of the Fisher Exact Test for comparing
>> two proportions in a 2x2 table:
>> power.fisher.test <- function(p1,p2,n1,n2,alpha=0.05,nsim=100){
>> y1 <- rbinom(nsim,size=n1,prob=p1)
>> y2 <- rbinom(nsim,size=n2,prob=p2)
>> y <- cbind(y1,n1-y1,y2,n2-y2)
>> p.value <- rep(0,nsim)
>> for (i in 1:nsim)
>> p.value[i] <- fisher.test(matrix(y[i,],2,2))$p.value
>> list(Pwr=mean(p.value < alpha),SE.Pwr=sd(p.value <
>> alpha)/sqrt(nsim))
>> }
>> So, given two binomials B(n1,p1) and B(n2,p2), what would be the
>> power of the Fisher test to detect that p1 was different from p2,
>> at given significance level alpha? This is investigated by repeating,
>> nsim times:
>> sample from Bin(n1,p1), sample from Bin(n2.p2)
>> do a Fisher test and get its P-value; store it
>> in a vector p.value of length nsim
>> and then finally:
>> estimate the power as the proportion Pwr of the nsim cases
>> in which the P-value was less than alpha
>> get the SE of this estimate
>> return these two values as components Pwr and SE.Pwr of a list
>> As it happens, here each component of the resulting list is of
>> the same type (a single number); but in a different computation
>> each component (and of course there could be more than two)
>> could be anything -- even another list. So you can have lists
>> of lists ... !
>> Thus, instead of the simple returned list above:
>> list(Pwr=mean(p.value < alpha),
>> SE.Pwr=sd(p.value < alpha)/sqrt(nsim))
>> you could have
>> list(Binoms=list(Bin1=list(size=n1,prob=p1),
>> Bin2=list(size=n2,prob=p2))
>> Pwr=mean(p.value < alpha),
>> SE.Pwr=sd(p.value < alpha)/sqrt(nsim))
>> thus also returning the details of the Binomials for which the
>> simulation was carried out. You could access these all together as:
>> power.fisher.test(...)$Binoms
>> or separately as
>> power.fisher.test(...)$Binoms$Bin1
>> or
>> power.fisher.test(...)$Binoms$Bin2
>> or even
>> power.fisher.test(...)$Binoms$Bin1$size
>> power.fisher.test(...)$Binoms$Bin1$prob
>> etc.
>> Ted.
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>> E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <Ted.Harding at manchester.ac.uk>
>> Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
>> Date: 01-May-10 Time: 18:56:50
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E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <Ted.Harding at manchester.ac.uk>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
Date: 01-May-10 Time: 21:18:59
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