[R] Configuration of host address for database access

julia.jacobson at arcor.de julia.jacobson at arcor.de
Sat Jun 12 22:26:59 CEST 2010

Hello everybody,
Whatever I use as the host address of my PostgreSQL database server, I always get a connection if I'm accessing the database from R on the same machine and none if I'm trying to do so from a remote client.
PostgreSQL is running on a windows xp machine as the RDBMS, JDBC, R, DBI package, RODBC package, rJava package and RpgSQL package are installed locally and remotely. Accessing the database from the remote machine without using R but the PostgreSQL command line client works fine.
The following commands are used on the R prompt:
> library(RpgSQL)
> con <- dbConnect(pgSQL(), host="server.domain.org", port=5432, user="me", dbname="my_db", passowrd="secret")
Selecting data is performed as a test for successful connection:
> dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM my_table")
For me it seems like whatever value "host" has, it is simply ignored. Has anyone of you got an idea what might be the reason for that?
Thanks in advance,

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