[R] Misplacement of Greek letter

Peter Ehlers ehlers at ucalgary.ca
Fri Jun 11 13:15:17 CEST 2010

Not that I want to encourage the creation of the infamous
skyscraper plot (which has an extremely low
information/ink ratio), but if you're having trouble with
axis labelling, it's probably best to look at mtext().
You can use several mtext calls to place parts of your label
on different margin lines.

   -Peter Ehlers

On 2010-06-10 23:36, beloitstudent wrote:
> Hello.
> I am trying to get my axis label to read as follows
> (The symbol) Delta AUC blah blah...
> then below it...(some other text)
> The problem is the Delta symbol shows up beside the "(some other text)"
> rather than the "AUC".  Does any one know how I can get the Delta to remain
> beside AUC?
> Here is the actual command should you care to look at it.
> par(mar=c(8,8,4,4))
> par(adj=.5)
> par(font.lab=2)
> barplot(c(5724.688,7290.7875), ylab=expression(paste(Delta,"AUC 45-200 min
> \n(μg/ml * 155 min)"), xlim=c(0,1), width=0.16,
> border="black",font.lab=2,cex.lab=2.1,cex.names=2, names.arg=c("Saline
> \n(n=8)", "Exendin\n(9-39) (n=8)"),mgp=c(3,4,0), axisnames=TRUE,
> ylim=c(0,10000), col=c('grey88','grey71'), axes=FALSE, lwd=2, space=.5)
> axis(2, at=c("0", "2000",  "6000","10000"), lwd=2, font=1.7,
> pos=-.025,cex.axis=2)
> abline(h=0, untf=FALSE, lty=1, lwd=2)
> arrows(.4, 8297.291, .4, 6284.284, code=3, angle=90, lwd=2)
> arrows(.16,7071.79,.16,4377.585, code=3, angle=90, lwd=2)
> Thanks all!

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