[R] two questions about PLOT

Jie TANG totangjie at gmail.com
Tue Jun 1 10:10:32 CEST 2010

thanks for your reply.
 I have tried to use rseek.org.But still some problems.
When I add "axis(4)" and axis(1,at=1:6,labels=gradeinfo$gradenam),the old
tick or labels still
are there as shown in the figure,how could I delete them( the old tick
information in x-axis and left y axis )
My script is shown as below :

axis(1,at=1:6,labels=gradeinfo$gradenam, tick=FALSE)

axis(1,at=1:6,labels=gradeinfo$gradenam, tick=FALSE)
#axis(2, col = "gold", lty = 2, lwd = 0.5)
legend("topright", legend,   lty=llty, lwd=llwd,col =lgcol)

2010/6/1 Jannis <bt_jannis at yahoo.de>

> I would wote this question one of the most often asked questions here on
> that list ;-). Try searching the help archiwe (www.rseek.org) and you will
> find solutions. I would guess that you need to use something like:
> axis(4)
> as the sides of the plot are always numbered from bottom,left,top,right
> Jannis
> Jie TANG schrieb:
>> here ,I want to plot two lines in one figure.But I have two problems
>> 1) how to move one of the y-axis to be the right ? I tried to the
>> command"axis(2)",But I failed.
>> 2) how to add the axis information correctly.Since I have use the cmommand
>> "axis(1,at=1:6,labels=gradeinfo$gradenam)"
>>   but it seems that the correct information that I want is superposition
>> with the old axis information.What can i do ?
>> the script and figure is shown as below .thanks .:)
>> outflnm<-paste(Outdic,"meansd.jpg",sep="/")
>> jpeg(file=outflnm, bg="transparent")
>> legend<-c("average error","stand quare error")
>> lgcol<-c("black","red1")
>> par(las=1)
>> yylab<-c("forecast error")
>> xxlab<-c("typhoon class")
>> llty<-c(1,3)
>> llwd<-c(4,4)
>> #par(bg='yellow')
>> plot(avegrp,type='l',lty=1,col='black',lwd=4,xlab=xxlab,ylab=yylab)
>> par(new=T)
>> plot(sdgrp,type='l',lty=3,col='red1',xlab=xxlab,ylab=yylab,lwd=4)
>> #axis(2, col = "gold", lty = 2, lwd = 0.5)
>> legend("topright", legend,   lty=llty, lwd=llwd,col =lgcol)
>> axis(1,at=1:6,labels=gradeinfo$gradenam)
>> dev.off()
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Email: totangjie at gmail.com
Tel: 0086-2154896104
Shanghai Typhoon Institute,China

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